Website Building » Weebly » How Do I Unpublish a Weebly Post?

How Do I Unpublish a Weebly Post?

Last updated on December 31, 2022 @ 3:59 am

Weebly is a popular website builder that allows users to create and publish their own websites. While Weebly makes it easy to publish your website, you may sometimes want to unpublish a post or page on your site.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Log in to your Weebly account and go to the Edit Site tab.

2. Click on the Pages drop-down menu and select the page you want to unpublish.

3. Click on the Settings button (it looks like a gear).

4. Under the Page Settings section, click on the Unpublish button.

5. Confirm that you want to unpublish the page by clicking on the OK button.

PRO TIP: If you unpublish a Weebly post, it will no longer be visible to anyone on the internet. Any links to the post will also be removed.

You can also unpublish a post by following these steps:

  1. Click on the Posts drop-down menu and select the post you want to unpublish.
  2. Under the Post Settings, click on the Unpublish Post.
  3. Confirm that you want to unpublish the post by clicking on the OK button.


To unpublish a Weebly post, first log in to your account and go to Edit Site. Then, click on Pages or Posts (depending on what you want to unpublish) and select the page or post you wish to remove.

After clicking Settings, scroll down until you see the Unpublish button and click it. Finally, confirm that you want to unpublish by clicking OK.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.