Web Development » Fiverr » How Do I Update My Gig on Fiverr App?

How Do I Update My Gig on Fiverr App?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:21 pm

If you’re a fan of the Fiverr app, you may be wondering how to update your gig on the app. Here’s a quick guide to help you out!

First, open up the app and log in to your account. Once you’re logged in, tap on the menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen. This will open up a menu with a few options – one of which is “My Gigs”. Tap on this option.

PRO TIP: If you are planning on updating your gig on the Fiverr app, be sure to read the following warning first.

While the Fiverr app does allow you to update your gig information, it is important to note that any changes you make will not be reflected on the main Fiverr website. This means that if you change your gig description or price on the app, potential customers who visit your gig page on the main website will not see these changes.

As such, we recommend only using the Fiverr app to make small changes to your gig, such as updating the title or adding a new image. If you need to make more significant changes to your gig, it is best to do so directly on the Fiverr website.

Once you’re on the “My Gigs” page, you should see all of the gigs that you currently have listed. To update a gig, simply tap on the gig that you want to update.

This will open up the gig details page.

On the gig details page, you can scroll down and edit any of the information that you want to change. Once you’re done making your changes, simply scroll back up and tap on the “Update Gig” button. That’s it!

Updating your gig on Fiverr is quick and easy! Just log in to the app, tap on “My Gigs”, and then select the gig that you want to update. From there, you can make any changes that you want and then hit the “Update Gig” button.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.