Updating your Shopify theme should not result in any lost content, as long as you follow a few simple steps. First, be sure to create a full backup of your site before beginning the update process. Next, you’ll need to download the new theme files from Shopify, and then upload them to your server.
Finally, you’ll need to run the update script provided by Shopify. Once these steps are completed, your new theme will be installed and you can begin customizing it to fit your needs.
Step 1: Create a Full Backup of Your Site
Before you begin the update process, it’s important to create a full backup of your site. This will ensure that all of your content is safe in case something goes wrong during the update.
To create a backup, you can use a tool like BackupBuddy or WP-DB-Backup. These plugins will create a ZIP file of your entire WordPress site, which you can then download and store safely on your computer.
Step 2: Download the New Theme Files
Once you have created a backup of your site, you can begin downloading the new theme files from Shopify. To do this, simply login to your Shopify account and navigate to the “Themes” section.
Here, you’ll find all of the available themes that you can purchase or download for free. Once you’ve found the theme you want to use, click on the “Download” button and save the ZIP file to your computer.
Step 3: Upload the Theme Files to Your Server
Now that you have the new theme files downloaded, you’ll need to upload them to your WordPress server. The easiest way to do this is using an FTP client like Filezilla.
Simply connect to your server using FTP and upload the ZIP file to the “/wp-content/themes/” directory. Once the file has been uploaded, you can extract it by right-clicking on it and selecting “Extract.”
Step 4: Run the Update Script Provided by Shopify
The final step in updating your Shopify theme is running the update script provided by Shopify. This script will update your database and apply any necessary changes for the new theme. To run the script, simply login to your Shopify account and navigate to the “Scripts” section.
Here, you’ll find a link to download the update script. Once downloaded, unzip the file and upload it to your “/wp-content/themes/” directory. Finally, run the script by visiting http://yoursite.com/update-script.php in your browser.