Web Design » Canva » How Do I Upload My Canva Cover to KDP?

How Do I Upload My Canva Cover to KDP?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 11:01 pm

There are a few different ways that you can upload your Canva cover to KDP. The first way is to export your design as a JPEG or PNG file and then upload it directly to KDP. You can also export your design as a PDF file and then upload it to KDP.

The second way is to use the KDP Cover Creator tool. With this tool, you can upload your Canva design and then adjust the size, orientation, and background color of your cover.

The third way is to use the KDP Cover Generator tool. With this tool, you can generate a cover from scratch or upload your own design. You can then customize the size, orientation, and background color of your cover.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to upload your Canva cover to KDP, be aware that there are some potential risks. First, make sure that you have the correct file type for your cover. Canva offers PNG and JPG files, but KDP only accepts JPEG files. If you try to upload a PNG file, it will not be accepted. Second, make sure that your cover file is the right size. The minimum size for a book cover on KDP is 1000×1500 pixels, but Canva’s covers are typically 816×1056 pixels. This means that your cover will likely need to be resized before it can be uploaded to KDP. Finally, be aware that KDP does not allow you to preview your book cover before it is published, so make sure that you are happy with how it looks before you upload it!

Once you’ve decided how you want to upload your Canva cover to KDP, follow the instructions for that method. If you’re uploading a JPEG or PNG file, go to https://kdp.Amazon.com and click “Upload Cover.” If you’re uploading a PDF file, go to https://kdp.com/en_US/cover-editor and click “Upload PDF.”

If you’re using the KDP Cover Creator tool, go to https://kdp.com/en_US/cover-creator and follow the instructions on the page. If you’re using the KDP Cover Generator tool, go to https://kdp.com/en_US/cover-generator and follow the instructions on the page.

Once you’ve uploaded your Canva cover to KDP, you can start creating your book!

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.