Website Building » Weebly » How Do I Use Accordion in Weebly?

How Do I Use Accordion in Weebly?

Last updated on December 30, 2022 @ 8:16 am

The accordion is a great way to add content to your Weebly site without taking up too much space. You can use the accordion to add FAQs, lists, or any other content that would benefit from being organized in a collapsible format. Adding an accordion to your Weebly site is easy, and there are a few different ways to do it.

One way to add an accordion to your Weebly site is to use the Weebly App Center. The App Center has a number of different applications that you can use to add content to your site, and one of these is the Accordion App. To add the Accordion App to your Weebly site, simply search for it in the App Center and then click on the “Add” button.

Another way to add an accordion to your Weebly site is to use HTML code. This approach is a bit more advanced, but it can be useful if you want more control over how your accordion looks and functions. To add an accordion using HTML code, you’ll first need to create a <div> element with the class “accordion.”

Inside this <div> element, you’ll need to create a number of <div> elements with the class “accordion-item.” Each of these <div> elements should contain two child elements: a <div> element with the class “accordion-item-title” and a <div> element with the class “accordion-item-content.” The title <div> should contain the text that you want to appear as the title of each accordion item, and the content <div> should contain the actual content for that item.

Once you have your HTML code set up, you’ll need to add some CSS styles. The CSS will be used to hide the contents of each accordion item by default, and then to show them when the user clicks on the title. You can add this CSS code either directly into your Weebly site’s CSS file or into an external CSS file that you link to from your Weebly site.

PRO TIP: The Accordion feature in Weebly can be used to create collapsible content sections on your website. However, if used incorrectly, it can create a messy and unorganized website. When using the Accordion feature, be sure to only use it for short sections of content and to carefully organize your content so that it is easy to read and navigate.
/* Hide all accordion items by default */
   .accordion-item {
     display: none;

/* Show an accordion item when its title is clicked */
   .accordion-item-title {
     cursor: pointer;
   accordion-item-title:before {
/* Add a plus/minus icon next to the title */
     content: '+';
/* Use + or - depending on whether you want collapsed or 
   expanded items by default */
   margin-right: 0.5em;
/* Adjusts spacing around icon */

/* Change icon when item is expanded */
   .accordion-item-title[aria-expanded="true"]:before {
     content: '\2013'; }
/* Add some basic styles for titles and content */
   .accordion-item-title, .accordion-item-content {
     padding: 1em;
     border: 1px solid #CCC;

After adding all of this code, your accordions should be functional. If you want to further customize their appearance, you can do so by editing the CSS styles that you added earlier. For example, you could change the color of the titles or borders, or you could change the font size or style.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.