Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Use Composite Products in WooCommerce?

How Do I Use Composite Products in WooCommerce?

Last updated on January 16, 2023 @ 2:53 pm

Composite products are a great way to sell products that are made up of multiple parts. For example, a computer is made up of a motherboard, CPU, RAM, etc.

These parts can be sold individually or as a complete package. WooCommerce makes it easy to sell composite products.

To sell a composite product in WooCommerce, first create a new product and select the Composite product type from the product data dropdown. Next, add the individual components that make up the composite product.

Each component can have its own price, weight, and SKU. You can also set a minimum and maximum quantity for each component. Once you’ve added all the components, click on the Publish button to make the composite product live.

Now that you know how to sell composite products in WooCommerce, let’s take a look at how to style them. By default, WooCommerce will display a table on the composite product page that lists all the components and their prices.

However, you can style this table using HTML and CSS. For example, you could use the < table > tag to create a table with different colors for each row. Or, you could use the < b > tag to bold the text in the table.

In conclusion, selling composite products in WooCommerce is easy and convenient. You can add as many components as you like and set individual prices for each one. You can also style the table that displays the components on the product page using HTML and CSS.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.