Website Building » Elementor » How do I use Elementor header footer and blocks?

How do I use Elementor header footer and blocks?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:23 am

Elementor header footer and blocks are great tools for creating custom layouts for your website. They allow you to easily organize your content, and they can be customized to fit your specific needs.

To use Elementor header footer and blocks, first select the layout you want to create. You can use the dropdown menu at the top of the page to select from a variety of layouts, or you can use the buttons on the right side of the page to create your own custom layout.

Once you have selected the layout, you will need to add the header footer and blocks to your page. To add the header footer, click on the header footer button on the right side of the page.

This will open the header footer block editor.

To add the blocks, first select the block you want to add. You can do this by clicking on the block name on the left side of the editor, or by using the the blue Select Block button.

Once you have selected the block, you will need to add it to your page.

To add the block to your page, click on the Add to Page button. This will open the Add Block to Page dialog box.

In this dialog box, you will need to add the block to the correct location on your page.

To add the block to the bottom of your page, click on the Add to Bottom button. This will open the Add Block to Bottom dialog box.

In this dialog box, you will need to add the block to the bottom of your page.

To add the block to the top of your page, click on the Add to Top button. This will open the Add Block to Top dialog box.

In this dialog box, you will need to add the block to the top of your page.

Once you have added the blocks to your page, you will need to configure the header footer block. To do this, click on the Configuration button.

This will open the Header Footer Configuration dialog box.

In this dialog box, you will need to configure the header footer block. You can do this by:

PRO TIP: This article is about using Elementor header footer and blocks. Please be aware that if you are not familiar with Elementor, this could be a difficult task. Use caution and seek help from someone who is familiar with the program if needed.

Configuring the Footer Text. You can add text to the footer of the block.

This text will be displayed below the block.

Configuring the Banner Text. You can add text to the banner of the block.

This text will be displayed above the block.

Configuring the Logo. You can add a logo to the top of the block.

Configuring the Footer Background. You can add a background to the footer of the block.

Configuring the Header Background. You can add a background to the header of the block.

Once you have configured the header footer block, you will need to configure the blocks.

This will open the Blocks Configuration dialog box.

In this dialog box, you will need to configure the blocks. You can do this by:

Configuring the Text. You can add text to the blocks. You can add text to the banners of the blocks. You can add a logo to the top of the blocks. You can add a background to the footer of the blocks. You can add a background to the header of the blocks.

Once you have configured the blocks, you will need to save your changes to the blocks and footer. To do this, click on the Save Changes button.

This will open the Save Changes dialog box.

In this dialog box, you will need to save your changes to the blocks and footer. You can do this by:

Saving the Changes to the Blocks. You can save the changes to the blocks by clicking on the Save button.

Saving the Changes to the Footer. You can save the changes to the footer by clicking on the Save button.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.