Domains » Namecheap » How do I use Namecheap with GitHub Pages?

How do I use Namecheap with GitHub Pages?

Last updated on January 4, 2023 @ 4:45 am

When you create a new GitHub Pages site, you’ll see the following dialog box:

Namecheap is a great tool for managing your domain names. You can easily add a new domain name and set up DNS records.

To use Namecheap with your GitHub Pages site, follow these steps:

1. Create a new GitHub Pages site.

2. In the Settings dialog box, under Site settings, click Domains.

3. In the Domains dialog box, under Add domain, type the domain name you want to add to your site, and then click Add domain.

4. In the Add DNS records dialog box, set the Type to A records, and then click Add A record.

5. Type the IP address of the name server for the domain name in the Address field, and then click Add record.

6. Type the name of the record in the Name field, and then click Add record.

7. Click OK to save the changes.

8. In the Domains dialog box, under DNS records, click the name of the record you just added.

9. Under the General tab, under Name, type the name you want to use for the domain in the Name field.

10. Under the Hosting tab, under IP address, type the IP address of the name server for the domain.

11. Under the Status tab, under Active, type True to indicate that the record is currently active.

12. Under the Advanced tab, under Type, type A records for the host name and the port number.

13. Under the CNAME tab, under Type, type the name of the record you created in Step 8.

14. Under the Priority tab, under Weight, type 1 to indicate that the record is the top priority.

15. Under the Aliases tab, under Alias, type the name of the record you created in Step 8.

16. Under the Type tab, type CNAME for the alias type.

17. Under the Host field, type the host name you want to use for the alias.

18. Under the Port field, type the port number you want to use for the alias.

19. Under the Path field, type the path you want to use for the alias.

20. Under the Weight field, type 1 to indicate that the alias is the top priority.

21. Under the Type tab, type A records for the host name and the port number.

22. Under the Priority tab, under Weight, type 100 to indicate that the record is the Lowest priority.

23. In your GitHub Pages site, under Pages, click the name of the page you want to use the domain name for.

24. In the Page title field, type the title you want to use for the page.

25. Under the Domain field, type the domain name you want to use for the page.

26. Under the Tags field, type the tags you want to use for the page.

27. Click Save to save the changes.

28. In the Page content field, type the content you want to use for the page.

29. Click Publish to publish the page.

30. In the Page source field, type the source code you want to use for the page.

31. Under the Domain field, type the domain name you want to use for the page.

PRO TIP: Namecheap and GitHub Pages are not compatible with each other. Do not attempt to use them together as this will likely cause problems.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.