Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Use Shopify Uploadery?

How Do I Use Shopify Uploadery?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 4:08 am

Shopify Uploadery is a free app that allows you to upload images and videos from your computer directly to your Shopify store. It’s great for adding product photos, blog post images, or even creating custom graphics for your store.

To use Shopify Uploadery, simply head to the app page and click “Add app”. Once it’s installed, you’ll find it in your list of apps (under “Shopify Apps”).

From there, you can either drag and drop files into the app, or click the “Upload Files” button. Once your files are uploaded, you can add them to products, blog posts, pages, or collections. You can also create custom graphics directly in the app.

PRO TIP: Shopify Uploadery is a tool that allows you to upload products to your Shopify store. It is important to note that this tool is for uploading products only, and should not be used to upload images or other files to your store. If you use Shopify Uploadery to upload images or other files to your store, your store may malfunction.

Shopify Uploadery is a great way to add visuals to your store without having to worry about file sizes or formats. It’s quick, easy, and free – so give it a try!

How Do I Use Shopify Uploadery?

To use Shopify Uploadery, simply head to the app page and click “Add app”.

From there, you can either drag and drop files into the app, or click the “Upload Files” button.

Once your files are uploaded, you can add them to products, blog posts, pages, or collections.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.