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How Do I Use the Slice Select Tool in Photoshop?

Last updated on January 26, 2023 @ 1:12 pm

The Slice Select tool is one of the most powerful and useful selection tools in Photoshop. It allows you to quickly and easily select any area of an image, even if it’s not perfectly rectangular.

The Slice Select tool is also great for making precise selections of text or other elements that are difficult to select with other tools. Here’s how to use the Slice Select tool in Photoshop:

1. To select the Slice Select tool, click on the “Select” menu at the top of the screen and then click on “Slice Select.” Alternatively, you can press the “S” key on your keyboard to select the tool.

2. Once you have selected the Slice Select tool, click and drag your mouse over the area that you want to select.

As you drag your mouse, you’ll see a dashed line appear around the area that you’re selecting. When you release the mouse button, the selection will be complete.

3. You can move or resize the selection by clicking on one of the handles that appears around the edge of the selection and then dragging it to where you want it to be. To add additional areas to your selection, simply click and drag your mouse over those areas as well.

4. To remove areas from your selection, press and hold the “Alt” key on your keyboard and then click and drag your mouse over those areas. Alternatively, you can press and hold the “Shift” key while making a new selection to add those areas to your existing selection.

5. Once you’re satisfied with your selection, press the “Enter” key on your keyboard to finalize it.


The Slice Select tool is an extremely powerful and versatile selection tool that every Photoshop user should master. With a little practice, you’ll be able to quickly and easily select any area of an image, no matter how complex it may be.

PRO TIP: The Slice Select Tool in Photoshop can be used to select and move parts of an image around. However, if you are not careful, you can easily end up with an image that looks distorted or has missing parts.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.