Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Use WooCommerce Email Templates?

How Do I Use WooCommerce Email Templates?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:43 pm

WooCommerce email templates are a great way to style your WooCommerce transactional emails. By default, WooCommerce will use the standard WordPress email templates, but you can override these by creating your own WooCommerce email templates.

In order to create your own WooCommerce email templates, you first need to create a new folder in your theme called /woocommerce/emails/. Inside this folder, you can create any number of template files.

Each template file will correspond to a different WooCommerce email.

For example, the file WooCommerce-order-new.php will be used for the New Order email notification.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with HTML or CSS, do not attempt to edit WooCommerce email templates. You can potentially break the design of your emails, and may need to seek out professional help to fix the issue.

Once you have created your template files, you can then edit them to change the look and feel of your WooCommerce transactional emails. You can use HTML and CSS to format your emails, and you can even use shortcodes to insert dynamic content into your emails.

If you want to take full control of your WooCommerce transactional emails, then creating your own WooCommerce email templates is the way to go. With a little bit of effort, you can create beautiful and customized emails that will perfectly match the look and feel of your website.

How Do I Use WooCommerce Email Templates?

Creating your own WooCommerce email templates is the best way to take control of your transactional emails. By using HTML and CSS, you can customize these emails to match the look and feel of your website perfectly. Additionally, shortcodes can be used to insert dynamic content into these messages – making them truly personalized.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.