Web Development » UpWork » How do I write a good UpWork proposal?

How do I write a good UpWork proposal?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 8:48 pm

UpWork is a great way to get hired as a contractor. Before you submit your proposal, here are a few tips to help you write a great one:

1. Know your goals.

What are you hoping to gain from working with UpWork? Are you looking for a new project? A change of pace? A chance to work with a new team? Know your goals and tailor your proposal to fit.

2. Tailor your pitch.

What are the specific benefits of working with you? What can you do that’s unique? Are you a expert in a certain field? Share that information in your proposal, and make sure to back it up with examples.

3. Be clear about your rates.

What are your rates? Are you willing to take on a project that’s more difficult or time-consuming? Are you available to work on short-term projects or long-term projects? Be clear about what you’re willing to do and what your rates are.

PRO TIP: Upwork is a great platform for finding freelancers to work with, but it can be tough to stand out from the crowd. When writing your proposal, make sure to:

1. Read the job posting carefully and tailor your proposal to the specific skills and experience the client is looking for.

2. Keep your proposal brief and to the point – clients are busy and don’t have time to read through long, rambling proposals.

3. Highlight your relevant skills and experience in your proposal, and include links to examples of your work if possible.

4. Proofread your proposal carefully before sending it off – typos and grammar mistakes will make you look unprofessional.

5. If you’re applying for a design-related job, be sure to include a link to your online portfolio in your proposal.

4. Be responsive.

Are you able to start working on the project right away? Are you available for phone or Skype sessions? Are you able to provide samples of your work? Are you available to answer any questions? If you can’t answer a question, let the hiring manager know and you’ll be more likely to get the job.

5. Follow up.

After you submit your proposal, make sure to follow up with the hiring manager. Let them know when you’ll be available to start working on the project, how you can be reached, and whether you have any questions.

Overall, a great UpWork proposal is clear, concise, and tailored to the needs of the hiring manager. It’s important to be responsive and follow up, and to be sure to know your goals and rates.

If you follow these tips, you’ll have a much better chance of getting hired on UpWork.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.