Website Building » Squarespace » How Do Member Areas Work in Squarespace?

How Do Member Areas Work in Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:03 am

A member area is a section of your website that’s only accessible to people who are logged in. You can use member areas to create an online course, give customers access to exclusive content, or build a community.

When you add a member area to your site, you can choose which pages people will see when they’re logged in, and which pages they’ll see when they’re logged out. You can also decide whether people have to be logged in to see any content on your site, or just certain pages.

To add a member area to your site:

  1. In the Home Menu, click Pages.
  2. Click the + icon next to the page where you want to add a member area.
  3. Select Member Area from the list of page types.
  4. Click Add.

After you add a member area, you can start adding members. When someone joins your site, they’ll be able to log in and access the member area.

PRO TIP: This article contains outdated information about member areas in Squarespace. As of September 2020, member areas are no longer available as a feature in Squarespace.

How do Member Areas Work in Squarespace?

Member Areas are a great way to give customers access to exclusive content, or build a community on your website. To add a member area: In the Home Menu, click Pages.

Click the + icon next to the page where you want to add a member area. Select Member Area from the list of page types and click Add.

After you add a member area, you can start adding members. When someone joins your site they’ll be able to log in and access the member area.

Member Areas are an easy way to give customers access to exclusive content on your website. You can add a Member Area by following these simple steps: In the Home Menu, click Pages. Click the + icon next to the page where you want to add a Member Area.

After you add a Member Area, you can start adding members. When someone joins your site they’ll be able to log in and access the Member Area.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.