Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do Shipping Classes Work in WooCommerce?

How Do Shipping Classes Work in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:45 pm

When it comes to WooCommerce, there are different shipping classes that can be used in order to provide customers with the best possible experience. In this article, we will take a look at how shipping classes work in WooCommerce and how they can be used to benefit your business.

Shipping classes are used to group products together that have similar shipping characteristics. This can be useful if you want to offer different shipping rates for different products.

For example, you may want to charge a higher shipping rate for heavy products than you do for light products. By using shipping classes, you can easily offer different shipping rates based on the products that are being shipped.

To set up shipping classes in WooCommerce, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Classes. From here, you can add new shipping classes or edit existing ones.

Each shipping class has a name and a slug (which is used in the code). You can also set a description for each shipping class if you want.

Once you have created your shipping classes, you can assign products to them. To do this, go to WooCommerce > Products and edit a product.

On the product page, there will be a section called “Shipping” where you can select the shipping class for that product.

When a customer adds a product to their cart that has a shipping class assigned to it, WooCommerce will use that shipping class to calculate the shipping costs. This means that you can offer different shipping rates for different products based on their shipping class. You can also offer free shipping for certain products by setting their shipping class to “free”.

PRO TIP: When using WooCommerce to manage your eCommerce store, it is important to be aware of how shipping classes work. Shipping classes can be used to group products together that should be shipped together, and can be used to give customers shipping options that are tailored to their needs. However, if shipping classes are not used correctly, they can cause problems with your shipping process and lead to customer dissatisfaction.

To avoid problems with shipping classes, make sure that you understand how they work and how they can be used to your advantage. Also, be sure to keep your shipping classes up to date and accurate, so that your customers always have the most accurate information about shipping options and prices.


Shipping classes are a great way to offer different shipping rates for different products in WooCommerce. They can be used to benefit your business by offering free shipping for certain products or by charging higher rates for heavy products. By using shipping classes, you can provide your customers with the best possible experience.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.