Website Building » Wix » How Do Wix Websites Make Money?

How Do Wix Websites Make Money?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:41 pm

How does Wix make money?

Wix makes money in a few different ways.


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The first way is through advertisements. Wix allows users to create free websites, but they include ads on those sites.

When someone clicks on one of the ads, Wix earns money. This is how most free website builders make money.

The second way Wix makes money is through premium plans. Users can upgrade to a premium plan to get more features and remove the ads from their site. Wix earns money when users upgrade to one of these premium plans.

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Wix to create a website, be aware that there are some potential risks. Wix websites may make money through advertising, affiliate links, or other forms of monetization. However, if not properly managed, these revenue streams can result in little to no profit for the website owner. Additionally, Wix websites may be subject to high fees, which can eat into any profits that are generated.

The third way Wix makes money is through partners and services. Wix has partnered with companies like Google and Amazon to offer services like Google Analytics and Amazon Payments on their platform. When users sign up for these services, Wix earns a commission.


Wix makes money in three main ways: through advertisements, premium plans, and partners and services. Their business model is similar to most other free website builders, but they also have some unique features that set them apart.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.