Website Building » Weebly » How Do You Add a Blog to Weebly?

How Do You Add a Blog to Weebly?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 2:47 pm

Weebly is a great platform for creating a website or blog. You can use Weebly to create a free website or blog, or you can upgrade to a paid plan to get more features.

either way, Weebly makes it easy to create and style your content. In this article, we’ll show you how to add a blog to your Weebly website.

If you want to add a blog to your Weebly website, the first thing you need to do is sign up for a free account at Once you have an account, you can log in and click on the “Create a Site” button.

On the next screen, you’ll be asked to choose a website type. Select “Blog” from the list of options.

On the next screen, you’ll be able to choose a template for your blog. Weebly offers a variety of free and paid themes, so take some time to browse through them and find one that fits your style. Once you’ve found a theme you like, click on the “Customize” button.

PRO TIP: Weebly is a great platform for creating a blog, but there are a few things you should keep in mind before you get started. First, weebly is a hosted platform, which means your blog will be hosted on their servers. This can be good or bad depending on your needs. If you need complete control over your blog and don’t want to worry about someone else’s servers going down, then you might want to consider another platform. However, if you’re looking for an easy way to get started and don’t mind having your blog on someone else’s servers, then Weebly is a great option.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Weebly is a drag-and-drop platform, which means it’s very easy to use. However, this also means that you don’t have as much control over the look and feel of your blog as you would if you were using a self-hosted platform like WordPress. If you’re looking for a platform that allows you to customize every aspect of your blog, then Weebly might not be the right choice for you. However, if you’re looking for an easy way to get started with blogging, then Weebly is definitely worth considering.

On the customization screen, you’ll be able to change the colors, font, and layout of your blog. You can also add your own logo or header image. Once you’re happy with the way your blog looks, click on the “Save” button.

Now that your blog is created, it’s time to start writing some posts! To do this, click on the “Posts” tab in the left-hand sidebar.

On the Posts screen, you can either write a new post or edit an existing post. To write a new post, simply click on the “New Post” button.

On the New Post screen, you’ll be able to enter the title of your post and write your content in the WYSIWYG editor. You can also add images or videos to your post by clicking on the “Add Media” button. Once you’re happy with your post, click on the “Publish” button.


Adding a blog to Weebly is easy! Just sign up for an account, choose the “Blog” option when creating your site, and customize it to match your style. Then start writing posts and publishing them!

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.