Website Building » Weebly » How Do You Add a Facebook Feed to Weebly?

How Do You Add a Facebook Feed to Weebly?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 3:10 pm

Adding a Facebook Feed to Weebly

There are a couple different ways that you can add a Facebook Feed to Weebly. One way is to use the Facebook app that is available through the Weebly App Center.

This app will allow you to display your most recent Facebook posts on your Weebly site. Another way to add a Facebook Feed to Weebly is by embedding the code directly into your site. This can be done by going to the Facebook Developers site and following the instructions there.

The first thing you need to do is create a new App on the Facebook Developers site. To do this, go to and click on the “My Apps” link in the top right corner.

PRO TIP: The following note is a warning for anyone considering adding a Facebook feed to their Weebly site.

Adding a Facebook feed to Weebly can be problematic and may result in unexpected consequences. First, Facebook regularly changes its code, which can break the feed on your Weebly site. Second, if you have a lot of content on your Facebook page, the feed can slow down your Weebly site. Finally, if you use Facebook advertising, your ads may not show up in the feed on your Weebly site.

From here, click on the “Add a New App” button and fill out the necessary information. Once you have created your App, go to the “Settings” tab and add a Platform. For Weebly sites, you will want to select the “Website” platform and enter your website URL.

Once you have created your App and added the Platform, you will be given an App ID and an App Secret. These will be used in the next step when you generate your Access Token. To generate your Access Token, go to and select your App from the dropdown menu.

Then, click on “Get Token” and select “Get User Access Token”. From here, you will need to check all of the permissions that you want to grant your Access Token. Once you have checked all of the permissions that you want, click on “Get Access Token”.

Now that you have your Access Token, you can start embedding Facebook content into your Weebly site. To do this, go to your Weebly site Editor and click on “Add” > “More” > “Embed Code”. From here, paste your Access Token into the box labeled “Paste Your Code Here” and then click on “Apply”.

You should now see a preview of your Facebook Feed on your Weebly site! If you want to change how it looks, you can click on the “Customize Embed Options” link at the bottom of the page and adjust the settings there. Once you are happy with how it looks, click on “Save & Close”

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.