Web Design » Figma » How Do You Add an Interaction in Figma?

How Do You Add an Interaction in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:29 pm

Interactions in Figma are a great way to add some life to your designs and make them more interactive and engaging. There are a few different ways to add interactions in Figma, which we will explore in this article.

One way to add an interaction in Figma is to use the built-in interaction triggers. To do this, first select the element you want to trigger the interaction on. Then, go to the Interactions panel on the right hand side and click on the + icon.

This will bring up a menu of different interaction triggers that you can choose from. Simply select the trigger that you want and then configure the action that you want it to take. For example, you can choose to have the element change color when hovered over, or you could have it scale up when clicked on.

Another way to add an interaction in Figma is to use hot spots. Hot spots are areas within an element that you can define as being clickable or tappable. To create a hot spot, simply select the element and then go to the Hot Spots panel on the right hand side.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Figma, we recommend that you seek help from a friend or colleague before attempting to add an interaction. Adding an interaction in Figma can be tricky, and if done incorrectly, it could result in your project looking unfinished or unprofessional.

Here, you can click on the + icon to create a new hot spot. Then, simply drag out a box around the area that you want to be clickable and release. Now, when someone clicks or taps on that area, it will trigger the interaction that you have configured for it.

You can also add interactions by using frame actions. Frame actions are basically interactions that are triggered when someone enters or exits a frame. To set up a frame action, first select the frame that you want to trigger the action on. Then, go to the Frame Actions panel on the right hand side and click on the + icon.

This will bring up a menu of different frame actions that you can choose from. Simply select the action that you want and then configure the action that you want it to take. For example, you could have a frame change color when someone enters it, or you could have it scale up when someone exits it.

Adding interactions in Figma is a great way to make your designs more interactive and engaging. By using either built-in triggers, hot spots, or frame actions, you can easily add some life to your designs and make them more user-friendly.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.