Web Design » Photoshop » How Do You Add HTML to Photoshop?

How Do You Add HTML to Photoshop?

Last updated on January 25, 2023 @ 4:52 pm

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With HTML you can create your own website.

To add HTML to Photoshop, open the document you want to add HTML to in Photoshop. Go to File > Save As, and then select the format you want to save the document as. If you want to save the document as an HTML file, select “HTML” from the “Format” drop-down menu. If you want to save the document as an HTM file, select “HTM” from the “Format” drop-down menu. Enter a name for the file in the “File Name” field, and then click “Save. ”

When you add HTML to Photoshop, you can style text using the <p>, <b> and <u> tags.


tag defines a paragraph. The <b> tag defines bold text. The <u> tag defines underlined text.

To style text using the <p>, <b> and <u> tags, open the document you want to add HTML to in Photoshop. Go to File > Save As, and then select “HTML” or “HTM” from the “Format” drop-down menu.” In the coding window that opens, type "<p>This is a paragraph.</p>" between the “<body>” and “</body>” tags. Type "<b>This is bold text.</b>" between the “<body>” and “</body>” tags. Type "<u>This is underlined text.</u>” between the “<body>” and “</body>” tags. Save the file, and then open it in a web browser to view it.

PRO TIP: Adding HTML to Photoshop can be tricky and may result in unexpected results. Be sure to save your work often and test your code in a variety of browsers before publishing.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.