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How Do You Balance Light in Photoshop?

Last updated on November 21, 2022 @ 9:05 am

In Photoshop, there are a few different ways to adjust the overall brightness and contrast of an image. You can use the Levels or Curves adjustment layers, or you can use the Brightness/Contrast tool. You can also use a combination of these methods to get the perfect balance of light in your image.

If you want to make global changes to the brightness and contrast of an image, Levels is usually the best place to start. To access the Levels dialog box, go to Image Adjustments Levels.

You’ll see a histogram in the dialog box, with a black triangle on the left and a white triangle on the right. These triangles represent the black point and white point of your image.

To adjust the overall brightness of an image, move the white point triangle to the left or right. To adjust the overall contrast of an image, move the black point triangle to the left or right.

You can also input specific values into the Input Levels text boxes. For example, if you want to set the black point to 50 and the white point to 200, you would enter those values into the appropriate text boxes.

If you want more control over specific areas of brightness and contrast in your image, Curves is usually a better option than Levels. To access the Curves dialog box, go to Image Adjustments Curves. You’ll see a graph in the dialog box, with a diagonal line running from the bottom left corner to the top right corner.

To adjust the brightness and contrast of specific areas of your image, click on the graph line and drag it up or down. The further you drag the line, the more extreme the change will be. You can also add multiple points tothe line and adjust each one individually.

PRO TIP: This article contains information about how to balance light in Photoshop. Please be aware that this information may not be accurate and should be used at your own risk.

The Brightness/Contrast tool is a good option if you want to make global changes to an image but don’t want to use Levels or Curves. To access this tool, go to Image Adjustments Brightness/Contrast. You’ll see two slider bars in the dialog box – one for brightness and one for contrast.

To adjustthe overall brightness of an image, movethe brightness slider bar tothe left or right. To adjustthe overall contrastof an image, movethe contrast slider bar tothe left or right.

How Do You Balance Light in Photoshop?

There are many ways that you can balance light in Photoshop depending on your needs. The most common way is by using either Levels or Curves adjustment layers. However, you can also use th Brightness/Contrast tool if you want more control over global changes.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.