Web Design » Photoshop » How Do You Bold and Underline in Photoshop?

How Do You Bold and Underline in Photoshop?

Last updated on January 25, 2023 @ 12:37 pm

Adding emphasis to text in Photoshop is a simple process that can make a big difference in the overall design of your project. Whether you’re working on a graphic design project or creating a website, knowing how to bold and underline text in Photoshop is an essential skill.

To bold text in Photoshop, select the text layer in the Layers panel and click on the “T” icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen. This will open the Character panel, where you can select the “Bold” button to make your text bold.

To underline text in Photoshop, select the text layer in the Layers panel and again click on the “T” icon in the toolbar. In the Character panel, you can select the “Underline” button to underline your text.

Another way of doing it is by using the Layer Style window. You can access it by right-clicking on the text layer in the Layers panel and selecting “Layer Styles.” From there, you can choose the “Stroke” option to underline your text.

Keep in mind that you can always adjust the thickness, position, and color of your bold and underline in Photoshop.

In conclusion, bolding and underlining text in Photoshop is a quick and easy process that can add an extra level of emphasis to your designs. Whether you’re working on a graphic design project or creating a website, these techniques will help you make your text stand out and grab the attention of your audience.

PRO TIP: Use keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop to speed up your workflow. For example, press “Ctrl+B” to bold text, “Ctrl+I” to italicize text, and “Ctrl+U” to underline text. These shortcuts save time and make it easy to quickly apply formatting to your text.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.