Website Building » Joomla » How do you call an article module in Joomla?

How do you call an article module in Joomla?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:37 am

An article module is a module that allows you to create and manage articles within your Joomla site. To create an article module, first go to the Extensions Manager and click on the Add New Module button. In the Module Name text field, enter an appropriate name for your article module, such as Articles. In the Module Type text field, select the Article module type. Click on the Browse button to locate the article.

html file that you want to use as the basis for your article module. Click on the Select button to select the file. Next, click on the Upload button to upload the file. Once the file has been uploaded, click on the Start button to begin the process of creating your article module.

When your article module is ready, you will be able to see it listed in the Extensions Manager, along with other available modules. To create a new article, click on the Articles module in the Extensions Manager and then click on the New Article button. In the Article Title text field, enter a title for your new article.

In the Article Text text field, enter the text for your new article. Click on the Save button to save your new article.

PRO TIP: If you are using Joomla 1.5 or earlier, you need to use the Content Module (mod_content), which is included with your Joomla distribution. If you are using Joomla 1.6 or later, you can use any article module, such as the Articles – Newsflash (mod_articles_newsflash) or the Articles – Category (mod_articles_category).

When you create a new article, Joomla will create a corresponding article module in the Articles module. You can use the article module to manage the article content and associated metadata. For example, you can add a title, author, and publish date to the article.

You can also manage the article content and associated images and media files. You can even customize the layout and design of the article module.

When you’re finished working with the article module, you can simply delete it from the Extensions Manager. Deleting an article module will not delete the corresponding article content.

If you need to remove the article content, you will need to delete the article itself.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.