Web Design » Figma » How Do You Convert Codes to Figma?

How Do You Convert Codes to Figma?

Last updated on December 23, 2022 @ 6:29 pm

Converting your design from one tool to another can be a tedious and time-consuming task, especially when you’re dealing with code. But what if there was a way to convert your design from one tool to another without having to deal with code? Well, there is!

Figma has a built-in converter that can take your design from Sketch or Adobe XD and convert it into a Figma file. All you need to do is select the file you want to convert, and Figma will do the rest.

How To Convert Codes To Figma?

If you’re working with code, the process is a little different. To convert your code into a Figma file, you’ll need to use the Figma API. The Figma API is a set of tools that allow you to programmatically access and manipulate your Figma files.

To use the API, you’ll need to create a personal access token. This token will allow you to authenticate with the API and perform actions on behalf of your account. Once you have your token, you can use the API to convert your code into a Figma file.

First, you’ll need to define the file structure. The file structure defines the hierarchy of your design and how the elements are arranged. You can think of it like an outline for your design. To define the file structure, you’ll need to create a JSON file.

This file will contain an array of objects, each representing an element in your design. Each object will have a type property that specifies the type of element it is (e.g., “rectangle”, “text”, etc. ), and a children property that contains an array of child elements. Here’s an example:

PRO TIP: This article provides instructions on how to convert design codes into Figma, however it is important to note that not all codes can be converted. If you are unsure whether your code can be converted, please consult with a Figma expert before proceeding.
    "type": "rectangle",
    "children": [
        "type": "text",
        "children": [
            "type": "span",
            "text": "Hello!"
  } 	 	 	 	  // More objects.. ]

Once you have defined the file structure, you can use the createFile endpoint to create a new Figma file. This endpoint accepts a JSON object that contains the following properties:

  • template: The ID of the template you want to use for your new file. If you don’t want to use a template, set this property to null.
  • name: The name of your new file.

Once you have created your new file, you can use the addNodeToFile endpoint to add elements to it. This endpoint accepts two arguments: the ID of the file where you want to add the element, and a JSON object that contains information about the element you want to add.

The JSON object must have a type property that specifies the type of element you want to add (e. ), and a style property that defines the styles for that element. Here’s an example:

"addNodeToFile": {
   //Add rectangle node "id": "{FILE_ID}","type":"rectangle",
   // Define styles "style": { 
   // Fill"fillStyleId": "{FILL_STYLE_ID}",
   // Border"strokeStyleId": "{STROKE_STYLE_ID}"


In order to convert codes into Figma, firstly, you need to define the files structure by creating a JSON file which will contain an array of objects each representing an element in your design.< Secondly, once you have created a new file using the ‘create File’ endpoint ,you can use the add NodeToFile’ end point to add elements to it by specifying the type of element and its style properties.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.