Web Design » Photoshop » How Do You Do Double Exposure on Photoshop?

How Do You Do Double Exposure on Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 9:14 pm

Double exposure is a technique in which two images are superimposed over each other to create a single image. The effect can be created using film or digital photography.

To create a double exposure effect in Photoshop, you will need to use two images. One image will be the base image, and the other image will be used to create the double exposure effect.

Start by opening both of the images you want to use in Photoshop. Then, select the layer of the second image that you want to use for the double exposure effect and drag it over the top of the first image.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that double exposure in Photoshop can be tricky and may not always produce the desired results. If you are not careful, you may end up with an image that is overexposed or underexposed.

Next, change the blending mode of the second layer to “screen”. This will allow the second image to be visible over the first image.

Now, you can adjust the opacity of the second layer to control how much of the double exposure effect you want to create. A lower opacity will result in a more subtle effect, while a higher opacity will create a more pronounced effect.

Once you’re happy with the results, you can save your double exposure image as a new file.

The double exposure technique is a great way to add creativity to your photos. By superimposing two images, you can create unique and interesting effects that would not be possible with just one image.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.