Web Design » Photoshop » How do you draw a freehand in Photoshop?

How do you draw a freehand in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 7:48 pm

There are many ways to draw a freehand in Photoshop, but the simplest is to use the Pen tool. To start, click on the Pen tool in the Tools panel and select the desired size and colour of the pen.

Then, click on the Canvas to start drawing.

To make your freehand more precise, you can use the Hand tool to draw shapes and paths. You can also use the Eyedropper tool to sample colours from the image and use them as the pen colour.

PRO TIP: When drawing a freehand in Photoshop, always be aware of the tool you are using. The pencil tool is the most basic tool and is best suited for simple shapes. The brush tool is more versatile and can be used for both simple and complex shapes. The pen tool is the most advanced tool and is best suited for complex shapes.

Finally, you can use the Smudge tool to add highlights and shadows to your drawings.

When you’re finished, you can save your artwork as a PSD file or use the Export command to send it to a friend or online community for feedback.

The final conclusion is that there are many ways to draw a freehand in Photoshop, and the best way to learn is to experiment.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.