Web Design » Photoshop » How Do You Frame a Mockup in Photoshop?

How Do You Frame a Mockup in Photoshop?

Last updated on January 25, 2023 @ 12:28 pm

Mockups are an essential part of the design process, allowing you to test out your ideas and get feedback before committing to a final design. But how do you go about creating a mockup? In this article, we’ll show you how to frame a mockup in Photoshop.

Creating a mockup is a crucial step in the design process, as it allows you to test out your ideas and get feedback before committing to a final design. Photoshop is a great tool for creating mockups, as it offers a wide range of features and capabilities.

  1. When creating a mockup in Photoshop, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to create a new document. You can do this by going to File > New.
  2. In the New Document dialog box, you’ll need to specify the dimensions of your document. Next, you’ll need to add some content to your document. This can be done by adding images, text, or other elements.
  3. Once you’ve added all the content you want to include in your mockup, it’s time to frame it up. To do this, you’ll need to use Photoshop’s layer masking feature. Layer masks allow you to hide or reveal parts of a layer, which is perfect for creating frames around your content.
  4. To create a layer mask, first make sure that the layer you want to mask is selected. Then, go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All.
  5. This will add a white layer mask to your selected layer. Next, use the Brush tool to paint over the areas you want to hide. The areas you paint will become transparent, revealing the layers below.
  6. Once you’ve finished framing your mockup, it’s time to add some finishing touches. You can do this by adding textured backgrounds, shadows, or other effects. Experiment with different options until you find something that looks good.

Creating mockups in Photoshop is a great way to test out your ideas and get feedback before committing to a final design. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily create beautiful mockups that will help bring your designs to life.

PRO TIP: This article contains explicit instructions on how to frame a mockup in Photoshop. If you are not familiar with the program, or comfortable working with images, we recommend that you find another resource.


Mockups are an essential part of the design process and Photoshop is a powerful tool to create them. To create a mockup in Photoshop, start by creating a new document, add the content, use layer masking to frame the content, and add finishing touches. Remember to always get feedback before committing to a final design. With these steps, you can easily create professional-looking mockups that will bring your designs to life.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.