Web Development » UpWork » How Do You Get Top Rated Badge on UpWork?

How Do You Get Top Rated Badge on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:39 am

As a freelancer, one of the best ways to get work is through online platforms like UpWork. But once you’re on UpWork, how do you get the Top Rated badge? Here’s a guide on how to do just that:

First and foremost, to even be considered for the Top Rated badge, you must have completed at least 10 contracts with a 4.8 or higher job success score. So if you’re just starting out on UpWork, keep that in mind. You’ll need to complete a number of jobs and do them well in order to be in the running for the badge.

Once you have completed the necessary number of contracts, the next step is to make sure your profile is as complete as possible. Include a professional photo, an engaging summary, and skills that are relevant to the jobs you want to do. The more complete and accurate your profile is, the better your chances of getting the Top Rated badge.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that there are many scams circulating online that promise to help you get a top rated badge on Upwork. Some of these scams may even charge you a fee for their services. Be very careful before giving out any personal information or money to anyone claiming to be able to help you get a top rated badge on Upwork.

Next, take a look at your job history and make sure that you have positive feedback from clients. If there are any negative feedback comments, try to address them and make things right with the client. This will show that you’re committed to doing good work and will make you more likely to get the Top Rated badge.

Finally, when applying for jobs, be sure to put your best foot forward. Write proposals that are clear and concise, and highlight your relevant skills and experience. If you can wow clients with your proposals, you’ll be much more likely to get hired – and to get the Top Rated badge.


By following the steps above, you can increase your chances of getting the Top Rated badge on UpWork. Remember that it takes time and effort to get the badge – but it’s worth it if it means landing more clients and better-paying jobs.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.