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How Do You Invert Black and White on Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:22 am

There are a few different ways that you can invert black and white on Photoshop. One way is to go to the “Image” menu at the top of the screen and select “Invert.” Another way is to open the ” Levels” window (under the “Window” menu) and click on the “Invert” button at the bottom.

If you want to have more control over which colors are inverted, you can use the “Selective Color” tool (found under the “Image” menu). With this tool, you can choose which colors you want to invert. For example, you could invert all of the blacks to white, or all of the yellows to blues.

Finally, if you want to create a more drastic effect, you can use the “Threshold” tool (found under the “Image” menu). This tool will turn your image into a black and white image, with very little middle ground. You can experiment with different threshold levels to see what looks best for your image.

So there you have it – three different ways that you can invert black and white on Photoshop!

How Do You Invert Black and White on Photoshop?

As mentioned above, there are a few different ways that you can invert black and white on Photoshop.

If you want to have more control over which colors are inverted, you can use the “Selective Color” tool (found under the “Image” menu).

For example, you could invert all of the blacks to white, or all of the yellows to blues.

PRO TIP: Inverting black and white on Photoshop can result in some unexpected results. In some cases, the colors may become inverted or swapped, and in other cases, the image may become completely distorted.

Finally, if you want to create a more drastic effect, you can use the “Threshold” tool (found under the “Image” menu).

So there you have it – three different ways that you can invert black and white on Photoshop!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.