Web Design » Figma » How Do You Know if Someone Is Observing You Figma?

How Do You Know if Someone Is Observing You Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:33 am

Most people are aware of the feeling of being watched. It’s a creepy,
unsettling feeling that can make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

But what if you’re not sure if someone is actually watching you? How can
you tell?

There are several telltale signs that someone is observing you in Figma:

1. They Make Frequent Eye Contact

If someone is making frequent and sustained eye contact with you, it’s a pretty good sign they are observing you. This is especially true if they avoid looking away when you catch their eye.

2. They Look Away Quickly When You Notice Them

Another sign that someone is watching you is if they look away quickly when you notice them looking at you. This could be because they don’t want to be caught staring, or because they feel guilty about something.

3. They Stand Nearby

If someone is standing nearby, it could be because they are trying to eavesdrop on your conversation or get a better look at you. If they are standing a little too close for comfort, it’s probably because they are observing you.

4. They Mirror Your Body Language

Have you ever noticed someone copying your body language? For example, if you cross your arms, they might mirror your action by crossing their arms as well.

This is called mimicry, and it’s often done subconsciously when people are trying to build rapport with each other. However, it can also be done deliberately to make someone feel uncomfortable or to unnerve them. If someone is deliberately mirroring your body language, it’s a good sign they are observing you.

So, those were some of the telltale signs that someone is observing you in Figma. If you ever get the feeling that someone is watching you, pay attention to these cues to see if they’re really observing you or not.

PRO TIP: If you are concerned that someone may be observing your Figma activity, there are a few things you can do to check. First, check the “Activity” tab on your Figma account page. This will show you a list of all the recent activity on your account, including who opened or edited a file, and when. If you see any activity that you don’t recognize, it may be an indication that someone is observing your account. Additionally, you can check the “Network” tab on your account page to see a list of all the Figma users who have access to files on your account. If you see any users who you don’t recognize, or who have suspicious activity on their account, it may be an indication that they are observing your Figma activity.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.