Web Design » Photoshop » How Do You Make a Floral Pattern in Photoshop?

How Do You Make a Floral Pattern in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 10:48 pm

In Photoshop, there are a few different ways that you can create floral patterns. One way is to use the Pattern Maker tool. With this tool, you can create a variety of repeating patterns, including flowers.

To use the Pattern Maker tool, first select the area that you want to turn into a pattern. Then, go to Edit > Define Pattern. Give your pattern a name and click OK.

Now, go to Edit > Fill. In the Use drop-down menu, select Pattern.

Your newly created pattern should be selected in the Custom Pattern drop-down menu. Choose your desired blending mode and opacity, and then click OK.

Your pattern will now be applied to your selected area! You can move and rotate the pattern as desired.

To create a seamless repeat, go to Edit > Transform > Scale and check the Resample Image box. Then, input your desired width and height values and click OK.

PRO TIP: This article is outdated and no longer reflects current best practices in Photoshop.

Another way to create floral patterns in Photoshop is by using shapes. First, create the shape or shapes that you want to use for your pattern. Then, duplicate your shapes layer by going to Layer > Duplicate Layer.

Next, go to Edit > Transform > Rotate 90° CW (or Rotate 90° CCW if you want to rotate your shapes counterclockwise). This will rotate your shapes so that they are vertical instead of horizontal.

Now, select both layers and go to Edit > Auto-Align Layers. In the Auto-Align Layers dialog box, select Reposition from the drop-down menu and click OK. This will align your shapes so that they are evenly spaced apart from each other.

You can now add more shapes or continue editing your existing ones as desired. When you’re happy with your design, go to Layer > Merge Layers to combine all of your shapes into one layer.

To turn your shapes into a repeating pattern, go to Edit > Define Pattern.

Your newly created pattern should be selected in the Custom Pattern drop-down menu under Patterns. Choose your desired blending mode and opacity, then click OK.

Your floral pattern is now complete! You can move and rotate it as desired or create a seamless repeat by going to Edit > Transform > Scale and checking the Resample Image box before inputting your desired width and height values and clicking OK.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.