Web Design » Photoshop » How Do You Make a Glitter Overlay in Photoshop?

How Do You Make a Glitter Overlay in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 9:06 pm

There are a few ways that you can create a glitter overlay in Photoshop, and we’re going to show you how!

The first way is by using the ‘Paint Bucket Tool’. Simply create a new layer and then select the ‘Paint Bucket Tool’ from the left-hand toolbar.

Next, choose your colour from the ‘Swatches’ tab and then click anywhere on the new layer to fill it with that colour. Now go to ‘Filter > Noise > Add Noise’ and add some noise to the layer. You can play around with the amount of noise until you get the desired effect.

Another way to create a glitter overlay is by using a brush. Create a new layer and select the ‘Brush Tool’ from the left-hand toolbar.

Choose a glitter brush from the ‘Brushes’ tab and then brush over the area where you want your glitter overlay to be. Again, you can play around with the amount of glitter until you get the desired effect.

Once you’ve created your glitter overlay, you can add it to any image by simply dragging and dropping it onto the image. You can change the blending mode to ‘Screen’ or ‘Linear Dodge (Add)’ to make the glitter really stand out.

PRO TIP: How Do You Make a Glitter Overlay in Photoshop?

Please be aware that this tutorial involves the use of Photoshop. If you are not familiar with this program, we recommend that you find another tutorial or seek professional help. Additionally, please be aware that glitter can be a bit tricky to work with. We recommend that you have patience and take your time when following this tutorial.

So there you have it – two ways to create a glitter overlay in Photoshop!

How Do You Make a Glitter Overlay in Photoshop?

There are a few ways that you can create a glitter overlay in Photoshop, and we’re going to show you how!

Method 1: Using the Paint Bucket Tool

Simply create a new layer and then select the ‘Paint Bucket Tool’ from the left-hand toolbar. Next, choose your color from the ‘Swatches’ tab and then click anywhere on the new layer to fill it with that color.

Now go to ‘Filter > Noise > Add Noise’ and add some noise to the layer. You can play around with the amount of noise until you get desired effect.

Method 2: Using a Brush

Another way to create a glitter overlay is by using a brush. Create a new layer and selectthe ‘Brush Tool’ fromthe left-hand toolbar.

Choose aglitterbrush fromthe ‘Brushes’tabandthenbrush overtheareawhereyouwant yourglitteroverlaytobe. Again,youcanplayaroundwiththeamountofglitteruntilyougetthedesiredeffect.


So there you have it – two ways to create a glitter overlay in Photoshop!

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.