Web Design » Figma » How Do You Make a Hexagon in Figma?

How Do You Make a Hexagon in Figma?

Last updated on January 23, 2023 @ 6:26 am

There are a few ways to make a hexagon in Figma. The first way is to use the “Polygon” tool.

With the “Polygon” tool selected, click anywhere on the canvas and enter the number 6 into the “Sides” field. This will create a perfect hexagon.

Go to Figma shape tool, select polygon in the menu and enter six in the corner sides field

If you want to create an imperfect hexagon, you can use the “Pen” tool. Draw a six-sided shape using the “Pen” tool and then select the “Subtract Front Shape” option from the right-click menu. This will cut out the center of your shape, leaving you with a hexagon.

Use Figma pen tool to create a hexagon

PRO TIP: This article contains instructions on how to make a hexagon in Figma. However, it is important to note that Figma is a vector graphics editor and not a geometric construction tool. As such, the article’s instructions may not produce a perfect hexagon.

You can also use the “Star” tool to create a hexagon. With the “Star” tool selected, click anywhere on the canvas and enter 6 into the “Points” field. This will create a hexagon with pointed sides.

Use Figma star tool to create a hexagon

Finally, you can use the “Frame” tool to create a hexagon. With the “Frame” tool selected, click and drag on the canvas to create a rectangular shape. Then, select the top left and bottom right corners of your rectangle and press delete. This will turn your rectangle into a hexagon.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.