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How Do You Make a Metallic Color in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:22 am

How Do You Make a Metallic Color in Photoshop?

The easiest way to create a metallic color in Photoshop is to use the ” Metallic” layer style. To do this, first create a new layer.

Then, select the “Layer Styles” button at the bottom of the Layers panel. A menu will appear with several different styles that can be applied to the layer. Select “Metallic.”

A dialog box will appear with several options for customizing the metallic effect. The first option is “Shininess.”

PRO TIP: This article discusses how to create a metallic color in Photoshop. It is important to note that this effect should be used sparingly, as it can easily become overwhelming and look fake. When used correctly, however, it can add a nice touch to an image.

This option determines how light is reflected off of the metallic surface. A higher value will create a more polished look, while a lower value will create a more dull look.

The next option is “Fade.” This option determines how quickly the metallic effect fades away from the center of the layer. A higher value will create a more gradual fade, while a lower value will create a more abrupt fade.

The last option is “Depth.” This option determines how deep the metallic effect appears to be. A higher value will create a more 3-dimensional look, while a lower value will keep the effect flat.

Once you have customized the options to your liking, click “OK” to apply the effect.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.