Web Design » Canva » How Do You Make a Planner on Canva?

How Do You Make a Planner on Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 8:47 pm

Making a planner on Canva is easy!

First, decide what kind of planner you want to make. There are many different templates to choose from, so take some time to browse through all of the options. Once you’ve found the perfect template, click on it to get started.

PRO TIP: This note is to warn you about Canva’s “How Do You Make a Planner?” feature. While this feature may seem helpful, it can actually be quite harmful to your productivity.

The main problem with this feature is that it doesn’t allow you to set specific deadlines for your tasks. This can lead to a lot of unnecessary stress and pressure, as you’ll constantly be wondering whether or not you’re on track.

Another issue is that the planner doesn’t take into account your unique circumstances. Everyone has different commitments and priorities, so a one-size-fits-all approach is bound to be ineffective.

If you’re serious about getting things done, it’s best to steer clear of the “How Do You Make a Planner?” feature and create your own system that works for you.

Next, you’ll need to add your own text and images to personalize your planner. To do this, simply click on the text or image boxes and enter your own content. You can also use the tools in the left-hand sidebar to further customize your planner.

Once you’re happy with your design, click the “Download” button in the top right-hand corner to save your planner as a PDF. And that’s it! You’ve now successfully made a planner on Canva.

How Do You Make a Planner on Canva?

Making a planner on Canva is easy! Simply browse through the available templates, select the one you want to use, and then add your own text and images. Once you’re happy with your design, download it as a PDF and you’re all set.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.