Web Design » Figma » How Do You Make a Prototype Link in Figma?

How Do You Make a Prototype Link in Figma?

Last updated on November 29, 2022 @ 6:56 am

When you’re ready to share your prototype with others, you can generate a link in Figma. This link can be shared via email, social media, or any other means of communication. To generate a link in Figma:

PRO TIP: When making a prototype link in Figma, be sure to first select the frame or object that you want to link from. Then, in the Properties panel, click on the Prototype tab. Next to “Type”, select “Link to…” from the drop-down menu. A pop-up window will appear, asking you to select the frame or object that you want to link to. Select the frame or object and click “OK”. Your prototype link is now created!
  1. Click the Share button in the top bar.
  2. In the Share dialog, click Create Link. This will open the Link Settings dialog.
  3. In the Link Settings dialog, you can choose who can access your prototype. By default, the link will allow anyone with the link to view your prototype. You can also restrict access to people with a Figma account by clicking People with a Figma account. If you choose this option, only people who are logged into Figma will be able to view your prototype.
  4. You can also set an expiration date for the link. To do this, click Expire after and select a date from the calendar. Once the expiration date arrives, anyone who tries to view the prototype will see an error message.
  5. When you’re finished configuring the link settings, click Create Link. This will generate a unique URL for your prototype. You can now copy this URL and share it with others.


To generate a link for your Figma prototype:
1. Click the Share button in the top bar
2. In the Share dialog, click Create Link
3. In the Link Settings dialog, you can choose who can access your prototype
4. Set an expiration date for the link by clicking Expire after and selecting a date from the calendar
5. When you’re finished configuring the link settings, click Create Link
6. Copy and share the URL that is generated

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.