Web Design » Figma » How Do You Make a Radio Button in Figma?

How Do You Make a Radio Button in Figma?

Last updated on January 1, 2023 @ 8:32 am

Radio buttons are a type of input element that allows the user to select one option from a set. They are typically used in forms, where multiple choices are available but only one can be selected. Below are steps that you can follow to make and integrate them into your design.

1. Insert Radio Button Icons in your Design

To create a radio button in Figma, first, go to Resources > Plugins.

From there, search for “Eva Icons” and then, click on the “Run” button beside it.

In the running Eva Icons plugin window, search for “radio button” and then press “Enter” on your keyboard.

PRO TIP: When creating a radio button in Figma, be sure to use the correct symbol. Incorrectly using a checkbox or other symbol may result in the button not functioning as intended.

Select the two radio buttons from the results. The first one represents an unselected radio button and the other one represents a selected radio button. Drag the two radio buttons to your canvas.

2. Resize the Radio Buttons and Add Text beside them

Now, resize the two radio buttons to your preference by selecting them and dragging the handles around them.

NOTE: You can also hold the “Shift” key while resizing them to maintain the ratio of their dimensions.

The next step is to place the “Unselected Radio Button” icon in your frame and add text beside your radio buttons using the “Text” tool.

Create copies of the radio button and text pair, then change the text of the copies accordingly. These will serve as the options that the users will need to choose from.

3. Make Copies of your Frame

Once done, create three copies of your frame by selecting your frame then using the keyboard shortcuts “Ctrl+C” to copy and “Ctrl+V” to paste.

NOTE: The number of copies that you need to make will depend on the number of options that you have in your frame. If you have three options to choose from, then you will have to create three copies of your frame.

In each of the three frames, replace one of the radio buttons in such a way that one unique option is selected for each frame. Use the “Selected Radio Button” icon for this.

NOTE: You can also use the settings in the “Design” tab to add style to your text and radio button icons.

4. Establish the Connections Between the Frames

Select the “Prototype” tab from the right menu to set up your animations, then hover over one of the radio buttons in Frame 1 until a “+” icon appears.

Connect the radio buttons from the first frame to their respective results. In this case, connect the radio button with the “Small” option in Frame 1 to Frame 2 which has the “Selected Radio Button” icon beside the “Small” option. For the “Interaction details” choose the “On click” option.

Do the same for the other radio button options.

The next step is to connect each of the Copy Frames with each other in such a way that after selecting one of the options, you can still change your selection. To do this, in this case, select the radio button with the “Medium” option in Frame 2 and connect it to Frame 3 which has the “Selected Radio Button” icon beside the “Medium” option. Choose the “On click” option in the “Interaction details” window.

Do the same for the other frames. To summarize, shown below are the connections:

  • Frame 2 Medium option’s radio button connects to Frame 3
  • Frame 2 Large option’s radio button connects to Frame 4
  • Frame 3 Small option’s radio button connects to Frame 2
  • Frame 3 Large option’s radio button connects to Frame 4
  • Frame 4 Small option’s radio button connects to Frame 2
  • Frame 4 Medium option’s radio button connects to Frame 3

Lastly, connect the Copy Frames to the Original Frame (Frame 1) in such a way that when the selected option is clicked again, the radio button will go back to its original unselected form. In this case, in Frame 2, select the “Selected Radio Button” icon beside the “Small” option and connect it to Frame 1. Select “On click” from the interaction options.

Do the same for the other frames.

When you’re finished creating your radio button, just click on the “Play” button at the top to see a preview of your design.

Now you can make designs with radio buttons!

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.