Web Design » Photoshop » How Do You Make a Time Magazine Cover in Photoshop?

How Do You Make a Time Magazine Cover in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 1:22 am

In Photoshop, there are a few different ways that you can make a Time Magazine cover. One way is to use the “Text on a Curve” tool to create the text for the cover.

Another way is to use the “Free Transform” tool to manipulate the text so that it curves around the image. You can also use the “Warp” tool to warp the text into different shapes.

To create the text for the cover, you will need to use either the “Text on a Curve” tool or the “Free Transform” tool. To use the “Text on a Curve” tool, you will need to click on the “Text on a Curve” icon in the toolbar. Then, click on the point where you want to start your text and drag your mouse to create a curve.

To use the “Free Transform” tool, you will need to select the text layer in the layers panel and then click on the “Free Transform” icon in the toolbar. Once you have activated the “Free Transform” tool, you can click and drag on any of the handles around the edge of the text layer to manipulate it.

PRO TIP: This tutorial is for an older version of Photoshop and may not work with the latest version.

Once you have created your text, you can then use the “Warp” tool to warp it into different shapes. To use the “Warp” tool, you will need to select it from the toolbar and then click and drag on any of the points around your text layer.

As you drag, you will see your text start to warp into different shapes. You can experiment with this tool until you get your text looking just right.


So there you have it! These are just a few different ways that you can make a Time Magazine cover in Photoshop.

Be sure to experiment with all of these tools until you find a look that you like. And don’t forget, have fun!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.