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How Do You Make Smoke Dispersion Effect in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 12:11 pm

Smoke Dispersion Effect in Photoshop

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a smoke dispersal effect in Photoshop. We’ll start by creating a smoke brush, and then we’ll use it to create a smoke dispersion effect. Let’s get started!

First, we need to create a new Photoshop document. I’ll go ahead and create a new document with the dimensions 1000px x 1000px.

Once your new document is created, go ahead and create a new layer. We need to fill this layer with black, so press Option-Delete (PC: Alt-Backspace) to fill the layer with the color black.

Next, we need to create our smoke brush. Go ahead and select the Brush Tool from the Toolbox.

Then, open the Brushes panel by going to Window > Brushes (or by pressing F5 on your keyboard). In the Brushes panel, click on the small icon in the top right corner of the panel to bring up the Brush Presets menu. From here, select “Load Brushes”.

In the Load dialog box that appears, navigate to your Smoke Brushes folder and select the file “Smoke_Brushes_by_CGSpirits.abr”. Once you’ve selected the file, click on the Load button in the bottom right corner of the dialog box.

PRO TIP: This article discusses how to create a smoke dispersion effect in Photoshop.Smoke disperses quickly in the atmosphere and Photoshop does not have a tool to create this effect.

Now that our smoke brushes are loaded into Photoshop, we can start using them! Go ahead and select one of the smoke brushes from the Brushes panel.

Then, set your Foreground color to white by pressing D on your keyboard. With yourForeground color set to white and one of your smoke brushes selected, go ahead and click once on your canvas to paint some smoke.

Repeat this process until you have some nice looking smoke on your canvas. Once you’re happy with your results, go ahead and merge all of your smoke layers into one layer by selecting them in the Layers panel and pressing Command-E (PC: Ctrl-E). We need to do this so that we can apply a Gaussian Blur filter to our smoke later on.

Now that our smoke is on its own layer, we can add some blur to it. Go ahead and select the Blur tool from the Toolbox.

Then, in the Options bar at the top of the screen, set the Mode option to “Gaussian Blur” and setthe Strength option to around 10px. Finally, click and drag over your smoke layerto blur it.

We want our smoke dispersal effect to look natural, so we don’t want itto be too perfect. To add some imperfections, go ahead and select your Smudge tool fromthe Toolbox. Then, in

How do you make Smoke Dispersion Effect in Photoshop? There are many ways that you can make a Smoke Dispersion Effect in Photoshop; however, one way is by using a brush tool. First, you would need to create a new document and fill one layer with black. Next, you would need to create a Smoke brush which can be done by going into Window > Brushes (or by pressing F5).

In order to load brushes ,you would navigate to your Smoke Brushes folder and select “Smoke_Brushes_by_CGSpirits.” With your foreground color set as white ,you would then click once on your canvas with one of your Smoke brushes selected in order add paint some smoke .Once you are happy with results ,you would then merge all of your Smoke layers into one so that you can apply a Gaussian Blur filter . By setting mode option to “Gaussian Blur” and strength option around 10px ,you would then click and drag over Smoke layer in order blur it . In order add some imperfections ,you would use Smudge tool which can be found under Filter > Distort > Wave . After adding some waves ,your Smoke Dispersion Effect is complete!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.