Web Design » Photoshop » How Do You Make Stage Light Effects in Photoshop?

How Do You Make Stage Light Effects in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 11:06 pm

There are a few different ways that you can create stage light effects in Photoshop. One way is to use the Layer Styles dialog box.

To access this, simply double-click on the layer that you want to apply the effect to. In the Layer Styles dialog box, click on the ‘Inner Glow’ option and then play around with the various settings until you get the desired effect.

Another way to create stage light effects is to use the Pen Tool. Create a new layer and then select the Pen Tool from the Toolbox. Now, draw a path around the area where you want the stage light effect to appear.

Once you have drawn the path, go to the ‘Edit’ menu and choose ‘Stroke Path’. In the Stroke Path dialog box, select ‘Brush’ from the ‘Tool’ menu and then set the size and hardness of the brush as desired. Click ‘OK’ to apply the effect.

PRO TIP: This article describes how to create stage light effects in Adobe Photoshop. It is intended for intermediate to advanced users of Photoshop. Please be aware that creating these effects requires a good understanding of Photoshop’s layer styles, blending modes, and adjustment layers. Also, please note that these effects will only work on images with a high resolution.

You can also create stage light effects by using brushes. Go to the ‘Brushes’ panel and select a brush that you want to use. Now, simply paint over the area where you want the stage light effect to appear.

You can also use filters to create stage light effects. Go to the ‘Filter’ menu and choose ‘Render’ > ‘Lighting Effects’. In the Lighting Effects dialog box, select ‘Spotlight’ from the ‘Light Type’ menu and then play around with the various settings until you get the desired effect.


As you can see, there are a few different ways that you can create stage light effects in Photoshop. Try out each of these methods and see which one works best for your particular project.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.