Web Development » Fiverr » How Do You Pass the Fiverr Skill Test?

How Do You Pass the Fiverr Skill Test?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:19 pm

As a new user on Fiverr, you are required to take a skill test in order to start selling your services. The test is designed to help Fiverr understand your skills and what services you can offer. This article will help you understand how to pass the Fiverr skill test.

1. Read the Instructions Carefully

Before taking the test, make sure to read the instructions carefully. The instructions will give you an overview of what is expected of you and how the test is structured. By reading the instructions carefully, you can ensure that you understand the task at hand and can give yourself the best chance of passing the test.

2. Take Your Time

There is no time limit for the Fiverr skill test, so take your time and make sure that you answer each question to the best of your ability.

If you rush through the test, you may make mistakes or overlook important information, which could lead to a lower score.

3. Answer All Questions

Be sure to answer all questions on the test, even if you are unsure of the answer. Oftentimes, there may be more than one correct answer, so it is important to try your best. Leaving a question blank will result in a lower score.

4. Use Resources

If you are unsure of an answer, do not hesitate to use resources such as Google or ask a friend for help. However, be careful not to spend too much time on one question, as this could lead to a lower score.

5. Check Your Work

After completing the test, be sure to check your work for any mistakes. If you have time remaining, go back and double check your answers.


By following these tips, you can increase your chances of passing the Fiverr skill test with flying colors!

PRO TIP: This note is to warn you about the Fiverr Skill Test. The test is not easy, and if you are not prepared, you will likely fail. There are many questions on the test that are difficult, and you will need to know a lot about the Fiverr platform to pass. Take your time and study before taking the test. Good luck!
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.