Web Development » UpWork » How Do You Pay Someone on UpWork?

How Do You Pay Someone on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 12:18 pm

There are a few different ways to pay someone on UpWork. The most common way is to use a credit or debit card. You can also use PayPal, eCheck, or bank transfer.

If you’re using a credit or debit card, you’ll need to add the card to your UpWork account first. To do this, go to the ‘Billing’ tab and click ‘Add Card.’ Enter your card information and then click ‘Save Card.’

PRO TIP: There are a few things to be aware of when paying someone on Upwork. First, when paying hourly, be sure to set a budget and track the hours worked so you don’t overspend. Second, when paying by milestone, only release payments after you have reviewed and approved the work. Finally, be sure to leave feedback for your freelancer so they can improve their services in the future.

Once you’ve added a card to your account, you can pay someone by going to their profile and clicking the ‘Pay Now’ button. You’ll need to enter the amount you’re paying and select the card you want to use. Then click ‘Submit Payment.’

If you’re using PayPal, eCheck, or bank transfer, you can go to the ‘Billing’ tab and click ‘Add Method.’ Then select the payment method you’re using and follow the instructions.

Once you’ve added a payment method, you can go to the freelancer’s profile and click the ‘Pay Now’ button. Enter the amount you’re paying and select the payment method you’re using.’

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.