Web Design » Figma » How Do You Play GIFs on Figma?

How Do You Play GIFs on Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:41 am

GIFs are a popular way to communicate on the internet. You can find them all over social media, blogs, and even in email signatures.

They’re a great way to add some personality to your communication, and they can even be used to convey information or tell a story. But how do you play GIFs on Figma?

Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to add GIFs to your Figma designs. All you need is a URL for the GIF that you want to use. To add a GIF, simply click on the “Image” component in the “Components” panel.

Then, click on the “Paste image URL” button in the “Properties” panel. Paste in the URL for your GIF, and voila! Your GIF will appear in your design.

PRO TIP: GIFs may not play properly on Figma. If you experience any issues, please try another browser or contact Figma support.

If you want to add a GIF to an existing image component, simply select the component and then paste in the URL for the GIF you want to use. The GIF will replace the image that was previously there.

You can also upload GIFs directly from your computer by clicking on the “Upload Image” button in the “Properties” panel. This will open up a file explorer window where you can select the GIF file you want to upload from your computer. Once you’ve selected the file, it will be uploaded to Figma and added to your design.

Adding a GIF to your Figma design is easy! Just grab the URL for the GIF you want to use and paste it into the “Paste image URL” field in the “Properties” panel. You can also upload GIFs directly from your computer by clicking on the “Upload Image” button.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.