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How Do You Preview in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 9:57 pm

In Photoshop, the Preview command allows you to view your image on the monitor at different zoom levels without actually changing the size of the image. To preview an image, simply select the Preview command from the View menu. A dialog box will appear, asking you to choose a zoom level. You can select from a range of predefined zoom levels, or you can enter a custom zoom level.

Once you’ve chosen a zoom level, click OK to close the dialog box and view the image at that zoom level.

If you want to see how your image will look when it’s printed, select the Print Size command from the View menu. This will open the Print Size dialog box, which allows you to view your image at different print sizes. Simply select a print size from the drop-down list, and click OK. Your image will appear onscreen at that print size.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Photoshop, previewing in Photoshop can be dangerous. If you do not know what you are doing, you can easily make changes to your image that cannot be undone.

The Preview command is a great way to get a quick look at how your image will look when it’s printed or when viewed at different zoom levels. By using the Print Size command, you can ensure that your image looks just the way you want it to when it’s printed.

How Do You Preview in Photoshop?

The Preview command in Photoshop allows users to view their images on monitor at different zoom levels without actually changing the size or size of the image. To preview an image, one simply has to select the Preview command from the View menu.

A dialog box will appear afterwards, prompting the user to choose a certain zoom level. There is a range of predefined zoom levels available or one can simply enter a custom zoom level. After choosing a desired zoom level, clicking OK will close the dialog box and allow said user to view the image at their chosen level.

If someone wants to see how their image will look like once it is printed, they should select the Print Size command located in the View menu. This action opens up the Print Size dialog box which lets users view their images at different potential print sizes.

One only has to select a print size from its drop-down list and press OK for changes to take place. By using this method, individuals can ensure that their images look exactly how they want it too once it is printed out for others to see.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.