Web Development » Fiverr » How Do You Rank Your Gig on Fiverr?

How Do You Rank Your Gig on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:26 pm

As a Fiverr seller, you may be wondering how you can get your gig ranked higher in the search results. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to help improve your gig’s ranking.

First, make sure your gig title is keyword rich and descriptive. This will help Fiverr’s search engine understand what your gig is about and match it with relevant searches.

Additionally, including tags in your gig description will also help improve your ranking. Use relevant and popular keywords that buyers are likely to search for.

PRO TIP: If you are considering paying for a gig on Fiverr, be aware that there are many scams. There are people who will promise to deliver a high-quality gig, but then deliver something subpar or even nothing at all. There are also people who will take your money and then disappear. Be sure to do your research before hiring anyone on Fiverr, and only work with people who have good reviews.

Another great way to improve your gig ranking is by actively promoting your gigs outside of Fiverr. Share your gig link on social media platforms and forums to reach a larger audience. The more exposure your gig gets, the more likely buyers are to find and purchase it.

Finally, remember to keep your gigs updated and active. Regularly adding new images, videos, and descriptions will show Fiverr that your gig is still relevant and worth ranking high in the search results.

By following these tips, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in Fiverr’s search results and reach more potential buyers.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.