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How Do You Rotate Text in Photoshop CC?

Last updated on February 2, 2023 @ 1:45 pm

There are a couple of different ways that you can rotate text in Photoshop CC. You can either use the Free Transform tool, or you can use the Character panel.

If you want to use the Free Transform tool, simply select the text layer that you want to rotate in the Layers panel. Then, click on the Free Transform tool in the toolbar, or press Command+T (Mac) or Control+T (Windows).

Select the text layer to rotate in Photoshop then press the keyboard shortcut for free transform tool

Once you have the Free Transform bounding box around your text, you can click and drag one of the corners handles to rotate the text. You can also use the Rotate tool if you prefer.

Rotated text using the Photoshop free transform tool

PRO TIP: How Do You Rotate Text in Photoshop CC?

If you are using Photoshop CC, you can rotate text by selecting the “Type” tool from the toolbar. Then, click on the text you want to rotate. A bounding box will appear around the text. To rotate the text, click on one of the corner handles and drag it in the direction you want to rotate the text.

If you want more control over the rotation of your text, you can use the Character panel. With your text layer selected in the Layers panel, go to Window > Character. In the Character panel, there is a rotation option near the bottom.

Go to Photoshop window and select character from the menu

You can either type in a specific degree of rotation that you want, or you can click and drag on the circular arrow icon next to the rotation option. When you’re happy with your rotated text, just close out of the Character panel.

You can use the Photoshop type layer character to rotate text in specific degree

Conclusion: So those were two ways that you can rotate text in Photoshop CC!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.