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How do you selectively crop in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 23, 2022 @ 8:21 pm

Selective cropping is a common editing task in Photoshop. It allows you to remove portions of an image to change its composition or to remove excess background material.

There are a few different ways to do selective cropping in Photoshop. .

The simplest way to crop an image is to use the Crop Tool (C). To crop an image, first select the image area you want to crop and then use the Crop Tool to drag the boundaries of the selection.

You can also use the Selective cropping tools (Window > Selective Cropping). The Selective Cropping tools are located in the Selective toolbox (Window > Selective).

The Selective Cropping tools include the Crop Tool, the Rectangle Tool, the Free Form Crop Tool, and the Elliptical Marquee Tool.

To crop an image using the Selective Cropping tools, first select the image area you want to crop and then use the tool to drag the boundaries of the selection. The Selective Cropping tools allow you to crop an image in several different ways:

– With the Crop Tool, you can crop an image by selecting the area you want to crop and then dragging the boundary of the selection.

– With the Rectangle Tool, you can crop an image by selecting the area you want to crop and then dragging a rectangle around the selected area.

– With the Free Form Crop Tool, you can crop an image by selecting the area you want to crop and then dragging a freeform shape around the selected area.

– With the Elliptical Marquee Tool, you can crop an image by selecting the area you want to crop and then dragging an ellipse around the selected area.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with the Photoshop software, do not attempt to crop an image without first consulting a tutorial or guide. Selective cropping can result in an uneven or lopsided image if not done correctly.

Once you have created your selection, you can either click the OK button to apply the selection to the image or edit the selection using the options in the Selective Cropping tools.

The options in the Selective Cropping tools include the following:

– To change the size of the selection, use the handles on the corners of the selection.

– To change the shape of the selection, use the rectangular Marquee Tool (M) or the freeform Elliptical Marquee Tool (E).

– To change the color of the selection, use the Color Range Tool (C).

– To add to the selection, use the Add to Selection button (V).

– To delete the selection, use the Delete Selection button (D).

– To copy the selection, use the Copy Selection button (C).

– To move the selection, use the Move Selection button (V).

– To merge the selections, use the Merge Selection button (M).

– To export the selection as a file, use the Export Selection button (E).

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.