Web Design » Figma » How Do You Share a Prototype Link in Figma?

How Do You Share a Prototype Link in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:44 am

Sharing a prototype link in Figma is easy! Simply click the Share button in the top bar, then select “Get link.”

From there, you can choose whether to share your prototype with view-only access or edit access. If you select edit access, you can also specify whether collaborators can comment on your design or not. Once you’ve made your selections, click “Copy link” to copy the link to your clipboard.

To share your prototype with someone, simply send them the link. They can then view or interact with your design on the web, or open it in the Figma desktop app if they have it installed. Figma will automatically update your prototype as you make changes to your design, so your collaborators always have the latest version.

PRO TIP: When sharing a prototype link in Figma, be sure to send it to only those who need to see it. The link gives access to view and comment on the design, but not edit it.


Sharing a prototype link in Figma is easy and straightforward. Simply click the Share button, select “Get link,” and choose whether to share with view-only or edit access.

Then, copy the link and send it to your collaborators. Figma will automatically update your prototype as you make changes to your design, so everyone always has the latest version.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.