Web Design » Figma » How Do You Show Flow in Figma?

How Do You Show Flow in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:08 pm

Flow in Figma is the space between objects on a canvas. It’s measured in pixels and helps to create a consistent visual rhythm in your designs.

There are a few ways to show flow in Figma:

1. Use the grid: The grid is a great way to align objects and create flow in your designs. To turn on the grid, go to View > Grid > Show Grid.

2. Use the alignment tools: The alignment tools are located in the upper left corner of the canvas.

They let you align objects horizontally or vertically. To use them, select the objects you want to align and click on one of the alignment buttons.

3. Use spacing: Spacing is the distance between objects on a canvas.

You can set custom spacing values for each object in the Spacing section of the properties panel. To access the spacing values, select an object and go to Properties > Spacing.


Flow is an important part of design because it helps to create a consistent visual rhythm in your designs. There are a few ways to show flow in Figma, including using the grid, alignment tools, and spacing.

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, showing flow in Figma can be a dangerous way to share your designs. It is easy to accidentally share too much information, or to make changes that are not easily undone. Be sure to only share what you are comfortable with, and to keep a backup of your original designs.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.