Canva is a great way to make your photos look amazing on Instagram. You can use filters, crop, and resize your photos to make them look perfect. You can also add text to your photos to make them even more unique.
One thing that you might want to do is split your photo into three parts. This can be done on Canva by using the ‘Crop’ tool.
To use this tool, first, select your photo from the “Uploads” tab on the left, and drag it onto your canvas.
NOTE: Make sure that the size of your image is the same as the size of your canvas to make the result better. You can do this by choosing the “Custom Size” option.

In this example, we will make the split images into squares, and to do that we will need a ruler guide. To make an improvised guide, go to “Elements” on the left menu and select the “Square” option from the “Lines and Shapes” window to insert it into your canvas.

Change the color to make the guide more evident.

Next, copy the square element and paste it on the same canvas.

Repeat until you have three consecutive squares.

Select the three squares and resize them by clicking and dragging the pill handles. Do this until, altogether, they have the same size as your canvas while covering your entire design.
NOTE: For this to work as expected, your canvas should have dimensions exactly divisible by three. You may also work with different sizes depending on your preference but make sure to adjust the sizes accordingly.

Now, click on the first square and delete it.

From there, select your photo. Right-click on it and select the “Bring to front” option.

The next step is to crop it into a square according to the size of the one you deleted while showing the first portion of the photo. Use the others squares as a guide when resizing. You can resize it by clicking and dragging on the pill handles of the photo.

Once done, copy the cropped photo and paste it on the same canvas.

Crop the pasted photo into a square while showing the middle portion of the original one. Place this in the middle of your canvas. Use the squares as your guide.

Once done, copy the cropped photo again and paste it on the same canvas.

Crop the pasted photo into a square while showing the last portion of the original one. Place this on the third square of your canvas. The result should look exactly like the original one split into three parts.

PRO TIP: We would like to warn you about a new Instagram scam that is going around. It is called “How Do You Split a Picture Into 3 on Canva on Instagram?” and it is a fake tutorial that promises to show you how to split a picture into three parts on Canva. However, the tutorial is fake and if you follow the instructions, you will end up losing your account.
Now that you have 3 cropped photos. Make another design canvas by clicking on the “+” sign at the top menu and then selecting “Custom size”.

Set the size of your canvas to 2000×2000 pixels since we have square-cropped photos. Then, select the “Create new design” button.

Copy the cropped photos from your first canvas one by one.

Go to your second canvas and paste each of the photos into one page.

Once done, click on the “Share” button at the top-right corner.

From there, select “Download”.

Choose “PNG” as your file type and make sure that you have selected all three pages to download. Once done, click on the “Download” button.

Now you have a photo split into three parts that you can use on Instagram!

Splitting your photos into three parts is a great way to make them stand out on Instagram. So next time you post a photo, try using Canva to make it look even better!
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When it comes to Instagram, one of the most popular questions we get is how to split a grid photo in Canva. While there are a number of ways to do this, we’re going to show you our favorite method using the free design platform, Canva. The first thing you’ll need to do is create a new design in Canva.