Web Design » Figma » How Do You Toggle Guides in Figma?

How Do You Toggle Guides in Figma?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 12:46 am

If you’re working on a design in Figma and need to align some elements, you’ll probably want to use guides. Guides are horizontal or vertical lines that you can drag out from the rulers on the sides of the canvas.

You can also create guides by clicking on the ruler and dragging out a guide, or by inputting specific values in the X or Y fields in the ruler (e.g., type “100” in the Y field to create a guide at 100px from the top).

Once you have some guides created, you can move them around by clicking and dragging them. To delete a guide, click and drag it back onto the ruler.

You can also lock guides so they can’t be moved accidentally. To do this, click the lock icon next to the X or Y field in the ruler.

PRO TIP: If you’re not careful, toggling guides in Figma can cause problems with your design. Make sure to save your work before toggling any guides, and be aware that your changes may not be immediately visible.

If you need to hide all of the guides on the canvas, you can do this by clicking the View menu at the top of the screen and selecting “Hide Guides.” You can also use the shortcut key Shift +Cmd/Ctrl + H. To show hidden guides, select “Show Guides” from the View menu or use Shift +Cmd/Ctrl+ H again.

Guides are a great way to make sure your elements are aligned correctly. By default, Figma will snap elements to guides when they’re close enough, making it easy to get everything lined up just right.

To toggle guides in Figma, go to View > Hide Guides or Show Guides. You can also use the shortcut key Shift +Cmd/Ctrl + H.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.